Sunday, November 30, 2008

Out Side Reading

Text: Caringbridge
Author: Greta hansenbegg 

Brett Got to leave the hospital for his first time since the accident for thanksgiving!! He was also on fox news the other night and he loves to watch it over and over again and is so proud of him self! 

Brett has also been feeling sad and not being able to see the good in the days. When asked how his day was he will start to say oh not very good and then someone will stop him and list off all the great things that happened that day for example they found out he doesnt need a lift anymore to get in and out of the bathtub, his grandparents came to see him, he god a shake from DQ, got to watch a video that his friends recorded on his facebook wall, and got to text his friends through his mom. After he was reminded of all this Brett realized that he did have a good day after all. which leads me to Brett has become very good at using his electronic typer and now he will tell his mom what he wants her to say and she will text it to his friends for him soon he will be able to text it all on his own! Brett isnt always seeing the good but he is improving SO SO SO much!

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