Wednesday, April 1, 2009

natural disasters

There are all sorts of natural disasters one of which being when a Tsunami hit beaches around the Indian ocean. People compared it to WWII and to 9/11. The man in this article was saying how nothing and no one can explain what happened not even the servers him being a survivor of two. When people watch a TV broadcast of it they are given a fraction of the pain that really happened. And not only did it affect the ones who were in it, but it touched everyone and it took weeks or months to figures out the death counts. People say that it will take a life time to recover from what all happened though and nothing will ever be back to "normal". He said that the horror made his body go numb and when he heard the first news all he could think is please lord not again. He was pondered by the question of why? why is God so mad? They would say that humans know and understand very little of why things happen. Disasters truly affect everyone. 

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